Everything On The Modern Marquee Lights Made By DelightFULL’s Artisans – Design Museum
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Everything On The Modern Marquee Lights Made By DelightFULL’s Artisans

Everything On The Modern Marquee Lights Made By DelightFULL’s Artisans – This collection marries everything that is non-conventional and innovative, and it truly represents the soul of the lighting brand.


How did DelightFULL’s designers come up with the idea of creating this collection? Here is the story behind the creation of the Marquee Lights made by DelightFULL’smaster artisans.

Everything On The Modern Marquee Lights Made By DelightFULL's Artisans

Ideal for hotels and clubs, the Graphic Collection has been revolutionizing the lighting concepts of the design industry, arriving in form of letters, numbers or symbols.

Everything On The Modern Marquee Lights Made By DelightFULL's Artisans

Non-conventional and juicy: here they are, the colorful and extremely communicative marquee lamps made for DelightFULL’s new collection. Inspired by the neon lights of LA, each lighting letter is based on a wide selection of iconic type fonts with a modern twist

Everything On The Modern Marquee Lights Made By DelightFULL's Artisans

It all started when DelightFULL’s designers visited LA and fell in love with the eccentricity and colorful lights of the city. Completely fascinated by Downtown Los Angeles, the designers realized that these would be perfect for a fun handmade collection. The cultural and architectural resurgence of DTLA, the beautiful buildings, and the museums… This was exactly the kind of inspiration the designers were seeking. And they found it!

Everything On The Modern Marquee Lights Made By DelightFULL's Artisans

But, it was when DelightFULL’s designers arrived in the Las Vegas Neon Museum that they knew precisely how they were going to create DelightFULL’s new lighting collection. The museum represented a unique design that could catch the attention of every single person. It has 150 historic neon signs: obituaries for Howard Hughes’ Desert Inn, Bugsy Siegel’s Flamingo, the Stardust and Moulin Rouge all packed into a modest chunk of cluttered but surprisingly curatorial desert hidden in the shadow of The Strip’s new super-resorts. Simply mesmerizing!

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You can go for an explosive marquee letter “P” or prefer a letter with a more mid-century modern design like “A”. And if you have one date that you totally want to mark forever, the numbers graphic lamps will do it for you: easy, easy.

With a wide variety of options, you can choose the graphic lamp that fit the most your personality and home decoration.

Everything On The Modern Marquee Lights Made By DelightFULL's Artisans

All in all, you can create the atmosphere you wish with the vibrant energy of this unique collection.

Do you know the best part? Each lamp is highlighted with the most passionate and exciting neon bulbs that will flash your eyes at this unique lamps.

Graphic Collection
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